6 products

Door bars for carpet, wood and laminate floors

Join or terminate your carpet safely at outer and inner doors throughout your home with our door bars. Double for between rooms, single for outer doors or Z-edge if joining to a laminate or wooden floor. Stick down bars also available for wood  to wood or laminate to laminate joins.

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Don't forget to replace your door bars when installing new flooring

Reusing old bars that can't grip properly any more could result in damage to your carpets or hard flooring. Don't skip this important step and possibly need to replace all your new carpet again!

  • All the accessories you need to complete your installation

  • Premium Quality

  • Lowest Prices

  • Fast Delivery

Combinations and colours to sort every home

Available in multiple styles and colours to suit carpet to carpet, carpet to hard floor or even hard floor to hard floor.

Shop our full complete carpet range here